The Tri-County Regional Planning Commission Comprehensive Safety Plan will unfold through 2024-2025, featuring the following key components:
Safety Analysis
Accurate crash data is a critical component of a successful safety analysis. The TCRPC Comprehensive Safety Plan creation will include gathering and analysis of crash data for the most recent 5-year period from the Illinois Department of Transportation, TCRPC, and local law enforcement agencies. Detailed analysis will also be performed for pedestrian and bicycle crashes, as these road users are the most vulnerable.
Public Survey
Creation of the Safety Plan includes conducting a public survey to gather information on local safety concerns and ideas for improvements. In partnership with community organizations, the survey will be promoted throughout the region and public feedback will serve as the foundation to develop the vision, goals and objectives of the plan.
The study team will develop a data-driven project scoring system for prioritizing improvement projects that are identified for the future. Criteria for the scoring will include levels of expected crash reductions, roadway volume, locality, potential for interaction with vulnerable road users, and other metrics.
Final Plan
Equity Impact Review
Study data will be analyzed and dissected to gain a deeper understanding of local conditions, and ensure that recommended safety improvements reach underserved and disadvantaged communities which have been disproportionately burdened by the impacts of the existing transportation.
Identify Safety Projects/Strategies
Following data analysis, the study team will recommend safety countermeasures for the various crash types at critical locations that have been identified. A Benefit-Cost analysis will be conducted for each of the countermeasures, with the primary focus being to reduce fatal and severe injury crashes on the regional transportation network.
Public Meeting
A public meeting will be held to detail study findings, review the draft Comprehensive Safety Plan, and receive Stakeholder feedback.
Following public review and comment, an actionable Comprehensive Safety Action Plan with detailed strategies focused on implementation will be submitted. As part of the final report, an executive summary chapter will describe the main findings, implementation strategies, and recommendations of the plan.